Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Architecture workshop painting (no title yet)

Here is the painting I produced at the Paul Jackson workshop held here in Noonday last weekend. Funny how after one of these intense sessions, your mind wishes you could have started over, but you can't. I have admitted that I'm no workshop painter, but basically I do like this one. There are many things I would have done rather differently had I had a little more time...starting with being sooooo much more careful with my application of masking. The whole feel is too tight for the way I generally like to paint also. There is a lot of masking on this painting and now it will take days going back in and cleaning up all the rough edges once it was removed. When we started, we wet the entire paper (half sheet), "threw" on rather thin opera, winsor yellow, and a blue arbritarily and let is mix on the paper and let it dry. We basically started with winsor violet on EVERYTHING in the structure (other than the stained glass) with the value being according to the darks in our reference pics. Who would know that you can cover up purple as much as we did? Paul Jackson knew..ha! Anyway, the only colors used on this whole piece are winsor purple, burnt sienna, indigo, manganese, french ultramarine and a light wash of new gamboge on my masonary to try to warm it up a bit. I will give it a few days of cleaning up edges and evaluating darks, but it is basically finished.


  1. I hear it was a fun workshop. Looks great

  2. Fantastic job. This was such a difficult project but you got a beautiful result. Three back flips for you!

  3. Love this, Ms. Mollie.

    What cathedral is this, btw?

  4. Hi Andy. Paul said it is part of NotreDame (if I spelled it correctly?). Thanks all for stopping by.

  5. Thanks, Deb...I see that you're new to my blog. Glad you stopped by.
