We're back from our fabulous 9 day painting excursion in New Mexico! Can't begin to tell you all how much fun we had...painting, casino "visitation...ouch", deer/elk watching, an art walk tour of 7 fab homes with wonderful area artists, shopping the quaint shops, sight-seeing the area, eating at great restaurants (try seating 8 at rush hour), and...did I mention painting every day. Our hostess, Greta Faulkinberry to my left, is a "Hostess with the Mostest" in every category for sure! But, you all have to know that what happens in Ruidoso, stays in Ruidoso.
I'm just posting two photos now as several others weren't on my camera and I have to remember who has the pics. This cowboy painting is from one I did in a Joe Fettingis workshop in 2007 and I think the gals all did a marvelous job! Funny how you can't paint the same thing twice though, and my demo piece is the second one from the right on top row. The original, of course, is the framed piece (which now graces a friend's Texas bar in his home...perfect for the theme). We also painted a "funky chicken" piece sorta stolen from a painting by Kay Smith. We had stopped by her studio in Big Spring, Tx. and one of the girls saw it and I remembered that I had seen it on our ArtColony blog so some also painted that. I added a few tail feathers to the piece and that made it more fun as the colors we added were just crazy! Apologies to Kay (ha!)
We also stopped in Plains, Tx and met Suzy Powell, a rather new artist friend. She was participating in an artshow in their community center and it was fun seeing her work and that of some of her students and other artist friends. I'm the short one with the book, and Suzy is the tall one next to me. Her painting won Best of Show for the event, and I have a photo of that somewhere on my camera.
Artists are such special people, and no matter where we live we all have our love of art in common...we're very lucky to have this passion to share.