Thursday, March 4, 2010


As I was washing my fresh hen eggs to put in the carton, the sun caught my eyes with the wonderful sunny colors the eggs were showing. It's funny where we artists get our inspiration for paintings, but this one was a "must paint". I only took about 6 pictures before the sun moved. The colors are somewhat pushed over the top for eggs, but since Paul Jackson painted a little plaque for me in his last workshop giving me permission to paint just any old way I wanted, this is the way I wanted. My hens really do lay only brown eggs, and some are golden brown and some are just tan and others are reddish and that makes for an interesting carton for my egg customers. If I forgot to mention it earlier, I actually sell my eggs and have all the customers I can handle. Everybody loves fresh eggs. This is 11x15 in size, 140#Arches CP, and my paints are burnt sienna, quin burnt orange, raw umber, new gamboge, windsor green(BS), neutral tint, cobalt and turquoise.


  1. Looks good, Mollie. The colors are nice. How lucky you are to have your own humanely raised, fresh eggs.

  2. Thanks, Michelle. I commented on your blog earlier, but it didn't post. I love your lily (especially the red in the shadow) and the magnolia and crystal. Your work is lovely.

  3. They're not only humanely raised... but practically coddled! (grin) Mollie I miss your farm and your eggs and painting with you! This painting is priceless. wonderful color contrast.

  4. Thanks, Debbie. I think I was working on a wash for the carton when you called. Guess our hour conversation didn't stop the progress.
