Wednesday, August 19, 2009

GlassnStripesWIP Cont'd

This morning when I checked the Artcolony blog, Doris Joa had posted her latest WIP and for some reason, a lightbulb went off in my head. I have been struggling with the stripes and glass and lights and darks in my WIP and after looking at Doris progression, I realized that my true darks needed to be put in right now so I would have some reference of values as a base line. Don't know why it took so long to do this step as I actually usually work dark to light anyway. I've also included my reference photo (which is not that great) which shows just how much jumping around the darks actually are in these piece. Anyway, we'll see how far I get now that I think my roadmap has finally been found.


  1. Can you hear the Allelluia Chorus I am singing for you. It looks FABULOUS...FANTASTIC. Full steam ahead! It is a great design and the colors have a lot of punch. Mary

  2. Looks like you are getting through the stripes, the painting is looking just beautiful!! I absolutely love the to of the glass jar in the lower right hand corner, perfect.
    Setting up a still life with a striped background always seems like a great idea at the time, right? Then once I get into the painting I think really, is this as fun as I thought? But the results are always so stunning. Great Job.

  3. I meant the top of the glass jar, oops.
    Love that you are using the dark to light method

  4. Thanks, Joyce. Wonder who validated the technique of seeing and painting dark to light???? :):) Oh!!!It was YOU....

  5. Lovely work Mollie, it will be worth all the pain :) I always work dark to light as well, so much easier.

  6. Thanks, Tracy. Didn't know that you worked dark to light and very happy to hear that. Some of the most talented watercolorists whose work I really admire seem to work that way so I guess I can also do that It seems to be the way I see things in my head.
