Monday, October 18, 2010

Lost Art???'s not "real" art, but it's becoming a lost art. When my granddaughter was here over the weekend (she's 5) she was extolling the joys of the Food Network and Iron Chef and all that new fangled stuff. I told her that I had a cookbook that I wanted her to see that my mother gave to me and when we opened it, it fell to the pie section. So...we baked this apple pie. We peeled the apples (and yes, I can peel one without the peel breaking like in "When Sally Met Harry"), mixed the sugary stuff with spices, made the crust from scratch (rolled it out with an ancient rolling pin) husband and daughter couldn't believe it. Oh, what we do for our grandchildren. And, oh, what a mess we made on the kitchen counter! Anyway, just wanted you guys to know that the ole gal still has it when it comes to baking a yummy pie.


  1. That pie looks so delicious! Lucky grand-daughter!

  2. Thanks, Christiane,it was. We baked it's gone!

  3. YUMS! now why are you this evil and post such a photo when I can't taste it? it looks delicious Mollie ^_^

  4. That would be a lost art if it was cooked anywhere near me, Mollie! Lost to my tummy.. yum yum.. :lol:
